
Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote Patient Monitoring services offered in Liberty Lake, WA

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring is one of the great benefits of today’s modern technology. After your remote monitoring device collects vital health information while you’re at home or work, it sends the data to Inclusa Health and Wellness, PLLC in Liberty Lake, Washington. The real-time information lets Stephanie Persondek, DO, and her team track your progress and make proactive choices supporting your weight loss goals. Call the office today or connect online to schedule a time to learn about the benefits of remote patient monitoring.

What is remote patient monitoring?

Remote patient monitoring uses advanced digital technology to gather health information when you’re not in the medical office. This technology allows your provider to monitor your health and track your weight loss progress.

Inclusa Health and Wellness, PLLC uses CoachCare® remote patient monitoring. Their software is compatible with Bluetooth® wireless technology, so your information is easily transmitted to your provider. 

With real-time information, your provider can connect with you to adjust your treatment plan if needed to optimize your weight loss program. You don’t need to wait until your next follow-up appointment; you can get a head start on changes that improve your results.

What health information does remote patient monitoring collect?

Your Inclusa Health and Wellness, PLLC provider uses remote patient monitoring to track your weight. But they also care for chronic health conditions commonly diagnosed in people who are overweight or obese.

As part of your comprehensive care, your Inclusa Health and Wellness, PLLC provider may also use remote monitoring for high blood pressure, diabetes, and other weight-related conditions.

In addition to your weight, remote monitoring devices can gather information about your:

  • Blood pressure
  • Blood sugar
  • Heart rate
  • Respiration rate (breathing)
  • Body temperature
  • Blood oxygen
  • Heart’s electrical activity (electrocardiogram or ECG)

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a big concern for people who are overweight or obese. Obesity accounts for 65%-78% of all cases of hypertension, a leading cause of heart disease.

What are the benefits of remote patient monitoring?

Remote monitoring does more than send health information wirelessly to your provider. It also empowers you to stay on top of your weight loss and chronic health concerns.

Seeing your weight and other vital signs in real time (without needing an office visit) can motivate you to stick with your care plan and make the lifestyle modifications required to reach your weight loss goals.

Remote patient monitoring gives you other tools supporting a proactive approach to improving your health and well-being. For example, you can use the Inclusa app to log meals, upload fitness activity, and review information about your weight loss journey. 

Don’t wait to call Inclusa Health and Wellness, PLLC or book an appointment online if you’d like more information about medical weight loss and/or remote monitoring.